You can be part of CCSM’s new “Energy Ministry”

CCSM is committed to “walking our talk” about many social justice issues, in particular dealing with climate change.  To that end, and in an effort to responsibly reduce our “carbon footprint,” we want to 1) assess our current energy consumption and 2) consider alternative, clean energy sources. The Board of Directors is calling those of you for whom climate change … Read More

Intergenerational Iron Chef Competition!

Sunday, October 20 • 12:00 – 1:30pm • Community Room As we focus on food and faith this fall, we will be having an “Iron Chef” style cooking competition! We will create intergenerational teams (kids, youth, adults, seniors!) who will then have to create a meal in a limited period of time with surprise ingredients. All cooks of all ages … Read More

Home & Hope Benefit Concert

Sunday, October 20, 5:00pm at CCSM The 11th Annual Home & Hope Benefit Concert is being hosted by CCSM this year, bringing six churches from the community together to lift their voices in song to help those in need here on the Peninsula. Don’t miss it!

Brand New CCSM Parenting Group!

September 29, Noon-1:30pm in the CCSM Community Room Lunch & Childcare Provided! We get that parenting is tricky in today’s world. It can be stressful in all sorts of ways, and hard to figure out how to raise kids who are empathetic and grounded, and to balance your own career, family, relationships, aging parents, heath, community, faith, and more. We … Read More

Special Music at CCSM on Sept. 29: Solstice Singers

This will be a morning to lift your spirit. Join us in the 10:30am worship service with special musical guest SOLSTICE: A Female Vocal Ensemble. Bay Area Regional Champions and national third-place winners of the 2007 Harmony Sweepstakes A Cappella Festival, Solstice has enthralled audiences with their technically precise and passionate treatment of music for women’s voices since 1996.  Their … Read More

Solstice Singers at CCSM on Sept. 29

Solstice: A Female Vocal Ensemble will return to CCSM on September 29 for a special musical offering as part of the 10:30am worship service. Solstice has enthralled audiences with their technically precise and passionate treatment of music for women’s voices since 1996. Each Solstice member brings her own musical tastes and talents to the group, which creates a diverse, dynamic … Read More

Brian McLaren at CCSM: Faith Beyond Doubt and the Future of the Church

Sunday, October 13, 7:00pm Come join us for a special visit from author, speaker, activist, and public theologian Brian McLaren. He is a passionate advocate for “a new kind of Christianity” – just, generous, and working with people of all faiths for the common good. His topic will be Faith Beyond Doubt and the Future of the Church, in conversation … Read More

Second Hour Sundays – Gun Violence Series

MSJ presents a three-part series on Gun Violence Prevention. Please join us at noon after church to learn about and discuss this important topic! September 29—PART II:  Guns, the Military and Law Enforcement with Ago Pedalizo. We will discuss the concept of active non-violence as a form of resistance against gun violence and how this manifests in different forms of … Read More

It’s Pick-A-Party Time!

There is still time to offer a party for Pick-A-Party, our church’s annual fundraiser. Hosting a party is a fun way to get better acquainted with other church friends while helping generate funds for CCSM.  There are many wonderful ways to throw a party.  In fact, we’ve listed 50 party ideas at the “Party Ideas” link on the Pick-A-Party page … Read More

A Vocal Program Exploring the Music of LGBTQ+ with Michael Strelo-Smith

Friday, October 11 • 7:30 pm – National Coming Out Day Music by Chroma & The Congregational Church of San Mateo present Michael Strelo-Smith, Baritone with Heather Waid, Piano at CCSM Freewill donation with proceeds to support LifeMoves New Haven Inn, an inclusive shelter in San Jose with focused support for individuals who identify as LGBTQ+ and to further the … Read More

First Tuesday Book Group

October 1 • 7:30pm Fireplace Room First Tuesday Book Group will end the year with Michelle Obama’s personal memoir, Becoming. Described by the author as a deeply personal experience, the book talks about her roots and how she found her voice, as well as her time in the White House, her public health campaign, and her role as a mother. … Read More

Second Hour on 9/15: Exploring the Homeless Crisis

Second Hour Sundays bring important topics for learning and discussion at noon following the Sunday service. On September 15 we will present Exploring the Homeless Crisis in San Mateo & Santa Clara Counties with Dr. Brian Greenberg, Ph.D., VP of Programs & Services, LifeMoves Things are changing rapidly as the economy puts pressure on those in our communities living paycheck … Read More

Pick-A-Party: CCSM’s 21st Annual Fundraiser

A barbeque? A tea party? A book reading? A hike? What type of Pick-A-Party will you host this year? CCSM’s 21st annual “Pick-A-Party” fundraiser, set for October 20th, is officially underway. To offer a party, think of something you enjoy doing and then build a party or activity around your idea. While dinner parties are popular, there are many wonderful … Read More

Divine Dining: Jesus was a Foodie

This fall, come along for a journey of food and faith. Using the gospel of Luke, we’ll discover that sharing a meal is the heart of Christianity. There will be all sorts of ways to “break bread” together and to invite and experience belonging. Hopefully, you’ll make some new friends and at the same time deepen your faith. Sept. 15 … Read More


Is your family signed up for a photo session for CCSM’s upcoming Pictorial Directory update?  We hope so!  (If you like your current Lifetouch photo, you don’t need a new photo taken. You will still get an updated directory.) Photos will be taken at CCSM on Friday, September 6th (2:00-9:00 pm) and Saturday, September 7th (10:00am-6:00pm).  A new day, Monday, … Read More