
Coffee Hour


There are so many ways we connect with each other, but one of our favorite is each Sunday after the service at Coffee Hour.

If you are a newcomer, this is a friendly moment to begin to know us – and vice versa!

Coffee Hour

Join us in person after the Sunday service at 225 Tilton.

Or on Zoom (click
HERE for Zoom link)


Affinity Groups


CCSM Affinity Groups

Back Nine Before Church: 
Nine holes of golf before church at Poplar Creek Golf Course.

CC Riders: 
Saturday morning bicycle rides for all levels.

Coffee with the Boys: 
Tuesday mornings in San Mateo.

Music & Art: 
Monthly gathering over lunch with a special guest sharing a music or arts-related topic.

picture of men having coffee

Spiritual Community

Band of Brothers: Spiritual Journey:  Men’s group building the bonds of deep friendship and spirituality, practicing our faith and having fun!

In the Spirit of Sharing:  Spiritual group gathering to connect with ourselves, with Spirit and with each other.

Spiritual Conversations:  Discussion group exploring various topics, books, and ideas through a spiritual lens.

Spiritual Life Ministry

The goal of the Spiritual Life Ministry is to support those seeking to increase their experience and reflection of God in their daily lives.  Emphasis has been on learning and growing in dimensions of spirituality with and from each other together.  Activities have included prayer and meditation, readings and discussion, and fellowship. New modes of spiritual practice are enthusiastically sought and welcomed.

Latino Ministry

Picture of Latino Community fiesta
Picture of Latino Community fiesta

The Congregational Church of San Mateo has maintained a sustained commitment to the Latino community since 2009, when an initiative to share solidarity support and expand its relationships with Spanish-speaking Latinos in the North Central San Mateo neighbourhood emerged from the dream of its members.

In 2017, the Spanish-speaking "Wednesday gathering" faith community was organized, a group of Latinos with many things in common with the church's English-speaking community: A commitment to social justice and willing hearts to live a lively, progressive, and inclusive spirituality.

That same year, the congregation adopted "Sanctuary Congregation" status, offering physical refuge to people facing deportation orders. It became one of the first churches on the peninsula to offer physical shelter on religious property. Between 2020 and 2022, the church provided pastoral accompaniment and, in alliance with other partner organizations, distributed food and supported all Latino persons who requested it to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Today, the Latino Ministry is strengthening and preparing for a new time of growth to extend an extravagant welcome to all Spanish-speaking Latinos seeking a progressive, Christian faith community committed to justice where all people are welcome without exception.

"Whoever you are and wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!"


Congregational Care


The Congregation Care Ministry is just as the name implies… caring for the congregation. There are several ways we do this. ALL of these ministries are very rewarding, and ALL can use additional help. 

The Companion Ministry reaches out to anyone who needs some extra support or isn’t able to attend services in person.  This may involve phone calls and/or visits.

Month of Sundays team sends out cards to members on special occasions or to support them during a health issue, bereavement or family concern. 

Memorial Receptions team assists the family in providing a meaningful reception following a memorial service at CCSM.

Poinsettias:  During Advent, church members deliver plants to church members who need a little cheer during the holiday season.  

Posey Posse

Makes and delivers small arrangements to people in the CCSM community to celebrate them or give them a token of support in a time of need. The posies are made from Sunday’s flower arrangements supplemented by cuttings from members’ flower gardens. This group operates from April - September.


Membership and Baptism


Church membership is a process by which people formally declare their affiliation to a specific church. At CCSM, we welcome all youth and adults to consider becoming members of CCSM. While membership is not required for anyone to participate in church activities, membership is a way of showing your commitment - and for the church to make a promise to support you and your spiritual journey. Our youth often join the church by participating in Confirmation. Confirmation is a program where youth learn about topics such as the Bible, theology, and the church, discern their own faith and spiritual journey, and then, if they choose, may decide to become confirmed as church members. 

For adults, we offer church information sessions periodically and invite people after those sessions to consider whether they would like to become church members at this time. It isn't required, but if people feel called to take that step into membership, we are delighted to have them share about themselves and participate in a special worship service where they will be formally welcomed and celebrated as members.



Baptism is a special ritual that celebrates God's presence in our lives and welcomes us into the worldwide community of the church. Baptism doesn't so much change us so much as it is a marker of God's ongoing love and a celebration of belonging in the family of faith. At CCSM, we baptize babies, children, youth, and adults of all ages.

Parents can find more information about baptism at CCSM on our Families page.





Office, Ushers, Greeters, Readers, etc.

A message from the Buildings and Grounds Ministry: 

Buildings and Grounds really says it all. If there is an issue with a building, its contents, or outside areas, the Building and Grounds Ministry will be involved. There’s plenty of room for all interested folks to lend a hand or expertise.

To help, please sign up to be called when we have a work day— it won’t be hard work but it will be fun!

Connect With Us

Each week, the pastoral care team gives prayerful attention to the congregation’s joys and concerns. Many of these come with a request to hold the contents in confidence; others are shared in the bulletin under Joys and Concerns for prayer by the whole community. If you would like to speak with a pastor or have other pastoral needs, please use the form below.