Coming of Age Retreat

Parents, please put March 22-23 on your calendars. This month on their third annual Coming of Age retreat, our middle school youth will explore what it means to grow up. Along with studying Bible heroes’ adolescent experiences (most of which didn’t turn out so well), the youth also search for their personal mountain top experience.  The first year they climbed Mount … Read More

Our Lenten Theme: InHABITing Love

Our Lenten theme this year is Inhabiting Love, based on the book by Ed Bacon, The 8 Habits of Love. When I proposed this idea at the Council of Ministries, people enthusiastically signed on to going deeper into love. Perhaps one of the most important questions I can ask myself is, “To what extent is my life loving?” For me, … Read More

InHABITing Love

Sunday Celebrations in Lent March 10 – April 14 “Is My Life Loving?” preaching by Penny Nixon except for 3/24 by Jorge Perry Bautista March 10: The Habit of Stillness: Loving to Hold Still. Baptism • Communion [daylight savings!] March 17: The Habit of Generosity: Give Until it Feels Good! March 24: The Habit of Becoming a People: Beloved Community.  … Read More


Sunday, February 24, 11:45am Using the scholarship of progressive Christian theologian Marcus Borg, part 1 of this series will look at the Gospels as Memory and Testimony.  How should we read the gospels as 21st century Christians? This session will include a hands-on “bible study” as well as an introduction to the background of the gospels, our primary source of … Read More

Spiritual Care at CCSM

One of the unique and beautiful qualities of this CCSM community is our tending to each other. On the Welcome page of our website we say: We are an open-minded, progressive spiritual community characterized by a delight in diversity, a passion for justice, a love of music and a genuine care we have for each other. We do have a … Read More

Jesus and Buddha as Brothers: Sunday Celebrations

          January 27: The Three Jewels February 3: Cleaning the Windows February 10: The Fine Art of Acceptance • Celebrating Lynnelle’s 25th Anniversary at CCSM February 17: Decluttering our Souls February 24: Faith and practice: Living Buddha, Living Christ March 3: The Other Shore: Resurrection and Reincarnation

Train Day, Saturday, Feb. 2

On Train Day, Saturday, February 2, between 2:00 and 4:30pm, the trains will be pulling into the Kloss Hall station for all ages. Make cookies, be an engineer, create your own layout, and build your own train. Don’t miss out! TOOT-TOOT-TOOT!

Dakota is Back!

Rev. Dakota Brown is back with us after her medical leave. She is rested and restored, ready to focus on fun and support for CCSM’s amazing seniors. She works as a hospice chaplain in addition to being here, which has the blessing of health insurance and retirement benefits, but means less time at CCSM. Dakota spent some of her time … Read More

Wise & Wonderful

Wednesday, January 23 10:30 to noon • Buckham Room Put God first in the New Year—coffee and conversation. Join us!

Invest in Peace: Building Israeli-Palestinian Peace from the Ground Up

Thursday, January 31, 7:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Peninsula Jewish Community Center 800 Foster City Blvd, Foster City Looking for hopeful news in 2019? We will discuss the exciting and impactful work of Alliance for Middle East Peace (ALLMEP), an umbrella for NGOS that do people-to-people co-existence work with Israelis and Palestinians. Information on the groundbreaking new International Fund for Israeli-Palestinian Peace … Read More

Second Hour Sunday: USA for IOM

After the Congregational Meeting on January 27 in the Community Room (CE bldg) Please join Andrew Lind and Amy Mahoney along with USA for IOM, the non-profit partner of the United Nations Migration Agency, to hear from migration experts how the UN is working to protect and provide lifesaving humanitarian assistance to vulnerable migrants, refugees, and human trafficking victims around … Read More

Oscar and family are finally moved in!

The Custodial Apartment Renovation Team is pleased to announce that Oscar Rosa and his family have moved into their “new digs” as of January 15th. We will now be graced with Imelda (Oscar’s wife) Brandon and Moises’ (Oscar and Imelda’s sons) presence in the halls of our building. Oscar and family wish to thank everyone for their housewarming gifts and … Read More

Welcome, Cheryle!

We warmly welcome our new bookkeeper, Cheryle Matteo. Cheryle is taking over much of the huge job Pearly has been doing for many years. It’s a bottomless task, and though Pearly has technically retired, she is still coming in, attempting to pass along years of accumulated knowledge. Cheryle is cheerfully up to the task and has been absorbing mountains of … Read More