June 2nd will be a momentous day as we will be celebrating the many contributions Kibbie has made to CCSM over the years before we officially recognize her retirement from the position of Minister for Next Generations.
If you would like to contribute to a purse for Kibbie, make your check payable to CCSM with “Kibbie’s Purse” written in the memo line (or put cash in an envelope marked similarly) and put it in the offering plate or drop it off in the office.
If you want to join in the festivities on June 2nd (lunch will be provided), RSVP to mboyd@ccsm-ucc.org or call the office at 650-343-3694 to reserve your space so that Marge knows how much food to order.
If you have any pictures or memorabilia or stories you want to share about Kibbie, please send or give them to Marge as soon as possible!