Music & Art hosts Good Friday midday service – April 19

Music and Art will sponsor a Good Friday observance at 12:45pm in the Sanctuary. There will be special organ music by Angela Kraft Cross interspersed with readings by members. (Note: the Music and Art core group will have lunch in the Buckham Room at noon. Remember to bring your own sandwich/salad; beverages and dessert are provided. A brief business meeting … Read More

Home & Hope Rotating Shelter – April 28-May 5

CCSM will be hosting the Home and Hope families the week of April 28 – May 5. It takes approximately 35 volunteers to adequately care for these families. People are needed to set up the tents and make the beds which usually takes about 1 ½ hours on Sunday afternoon (exact time to be announced at a later date). The … Read More

Make a Change for Lent… Quit Plastic! 

Brought to you by: Into the Wilderness This year, Into the Wilderness will be attempting to eliminate or cut down single use plastic for Lent. Here’s the challenge: First, try to cut down or eliminate single use plastics at home. Second, take action by participating in the weekly action challenges. Into the Wilderness will send out a weekly email to … Read More

First Tuesday Book Group – April 2

Fireplace Room • 7:30pm Our book is My American Dream: A Life of Love, Family, and Food by Lidia Bastianich. Join us for a tasty discussion of the life of a well-known TV personality and a beloved cook. The host of “Lidia’s Kitchen” shares a memoir that traces her impoverished but loving upbringing under Tito’s communist regime in Yugoslavia, her … Read More

Team Up to Clean Up for Earth Day – April 28

11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Come celebrate Earth Day Sunday by being God’s hands and feet out in our neighborhood! Right after church, join CCSM’s San Mateo’s Team Up to Clean-Up team. First, we’ll eat lunch together in the Buckham Room, and then we’ll walk around the neighborhood and collect any trash on our sidewalks. The city supplies bags and … Read More

Find Your Niche

This column is addressed to those with mortal loved ones. Those of you who have none, or whose loved ones are immortal, need read no further. When your loved one proves beyond question to be mortal assuming cremation has taken place, you will be presented, quite soon, with a small packet of his or her remains. You and your other … Read More

Countless Thanks from a Grateful Heart

What an experience my 18 years at CCSM have been. I have truly been given a treasure trove of valuable lessons and beautiful love. As my son Neil said at the celebration lunch, “There is so much love here. That’s a rare thing in this world …This is really a community where people take care of each other.”  I wholeheartedly … Read More

March Collection for LifeMoves

LifeMoves needs new or gently used sheets (twin and/or full sized only); pillow cases; towels; & wash cloths for homeless families & individuals in LifeMoves programs to help them on their path to stable housing and self-sufficiency. Please help by placing your donations in the collection bins or bringing them to the Church Office in March. Thank you!

Holy Week at CCSM

Holy Week 2019 April 18, 7:00pm  •  Holy Thursday Service Contemplative Taize style service with music and readings led by Lynnelle Bilsey. April 19, 12:45pm  •  Good Friday Midday Service Music & Art will sponsor this midday service with organ music from Angela and scripture readings on the passion of Christ. April 19, 7:00pm   •   Good Friday Service … Read More

Ash Wednesday Service • March 6, 7pm

Our Wednesday Gathering, CCSM’s Spanish service, hosts this special bilingual service in Kloss Hall which will include communion and the imposition of ashes. St James AME Zion will also join us, and our choirs will come together as well.  What an incredible way to begin Lent, bringing diverse communities together in worship and reflection. A meal will follow.  

Grief Support Group

Thursdays, 6:30-8:30 pm If you are grieving the death of a spouse or partner, whether recently or some time ago, please join us. Together, we share our sorrow, create a community of compassion and hope, and build resilience in the midst of challenges. Facilitated by Rev. Dr. Janet K. Bower, Pastoral Counselor. Pre-registration is required. Group size is limited. To … Read More

Band of Brothers

We hope you’ll consider joining one of our men’s sharing groups. We are not only building the bonds of deep friendship and spirituality, but practicing our faith and having fun!. Thursday Night Men’s Group, Modern Men contact Peter Held at Saturday Morning Men’s Group, Spiritual Journey contact Mike Mullery at All are welcome!

First Tuesday Book Group, March 5 & April 2

March 5 and April 2 • Fireplace Room • 7:30-9:00pm On March 5, we’ll discuss The Boys In the Boat by Daniel James Brown. This is a true story about the 1936 Olympic competition—a startling moment in history.  PBS has aired a documentary on the subject. This book describes one small piece of that event. It is just the time … Read More

Trudy’s Teas

Trudy’s Teas are a chance for women from the church to meet and enjoy a meal and fellowship.  We currently have a Monday and Wednesday group and are always looking for more women to join us. If you are interested, contact Diane Kalliam (415-469-7750,