Spiritual Conversations: Frederick Buechner

Spring, Lenten Season, 2020: Six consecutive Mondays

March 2 – April 6, 7:00-8:30pm • Library

The Sacred Journey and Telling Secrets, two short memoirs by Frederick Buechner, will be discussed in the Spiritual Conversations Lenten season. A minister and teacher, Buechner also wrote respected, popular novels; one was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize and another for the National Book Award.

In these memoirs, Buechner reveals his demons, struggles, doubts, and pain, illustrating his belief that the examined life is a “chance to behold the divine.” It is through everyday events and relationships that God shows us the meaning of grace and forgiveness—ultimately, “the power of faith to lift us up, to hold us straight, to send us on again” (Washington Post review).

If you have any questions or are interested in participating, please contact Dorothy or Richard Kogl at kogl@att.net or 650-579-7272.