CYF Events – October 25

Sunday at 9:45am –  Godly Play with Shannon: Godly Play is a Montessori-based storytelling technique. Shannon will tell a Bible story using simple figures and then ask the kids open-ended questions about their thoughts and feelings. Afterwards there is time to create an artistic response to the story using art supplies, playdoh, clay, or whatever you have nearby at home! This program is primarily geared toward younger kids (under age 7 or so) but all are welcome!

Sunday at 11:30am – Youth Halloween Party (Grades 6-12): Join other youth for a Zoom Halloween Party! We’ll bake treats together, play games online, and hang out! We will plan to split into middle and high school groups.

Sunday at 11:30am – Kids’ Resilience and Justice Program: Join Libby for conversation about the connections between faith and social justice, and being strong in these difficult times! Talk about anti-racism, the environment, and whatever you care most about! We will do projects, art, and more! This is designed primarily for kids aged 8-12 or so.