Tuesday and Thursday, 7:30pm – Family story time and evening prayer. Everyone is invited to wind down for the evening with a spiritual picture book story, conversation time, and an all-ages prayer. https://zoom.us/j/
Friday 7-9pm – Youth Scavenger Hunt: Celebrate the end of the week with a fun scavenger hunt activity (bring your own snacks!)! You will be given a list and then will get to look around your house for items that you think fit the descriptions on the list. We’ll come back together at the end to determine the winner and show off what we found. Youth in grades 6+ are invited to participate! https://zoom.us/
Sunday 9:30am – Godly Play – Kids of all ages (not just our usual K-Grade 2 crew) are invited to participate in a Godly Play session with Shannon! Hear a Bible Story, reflect on questions, respond creatively! Parents are invited to listen in too if they’d like. https://zoom.us/j/591628
Sunday 11:30am – Youth Discussion time! Take time to connect with one another and discuss what is going on in your life and the world – and where faith might fit into all of that. https://meet.google.com/
Also, watch your e-mail for a “do at your own pace” lesson from Libby with a video and other activities from Sheryl.
Here is a resource with coloring pages and reflection activities for the 5th week of Lent to get you started! https://illstrtdm.in/