CCSM Adopts Revised Bylaws in Unanimous Vote

From Your Moderator

Hello CCSM!

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Dave Chandler and I am your new Moderator. As I contemplate past moderators and their tremendous achievements, both collectively and individually for over 150 years, I am deeply honored and humbled to take on this role and look forward to our time together. I would be remiss if I did not take a moment and reflect on the results of our September 23 annual meeting. Not only did the revised by-laws pass with a majority, they passed overwhelmingly with 121 ‘Yes’ votes (there were zero ‘No’ votes and one ‘Abstain’ vote). CONGRATULATIONS! You also unanimously approved a new leadership team and I’m thrilled to collaborate with each of them as we move forward into a new era of working together in ministry.

Thank you again for all your dedication, stewardship and commitment to making CCSM a place that does not shy away from change. One thing that will not change, however, is the fundamental belief that no matter who you are or wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome at CCSM.

Thank you so much!

Dave Chandler

Moderator, CCSM

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