Music & Art

Friday, September 13 • Noon • Buckham Room To start the new season off, we are thrilled to have Penny Nixon give a report on her recent travels to Northern Ireland. We know you’ll want to be sure and hear the interesting details of this special trip. (This is a date change from the third to the second Friday.) As … Read More

Spiritual Conversations: Healing the Heart of Democracy

Mondays, September 9 – November 4 7:00-8:30pm • Library Healing the Heart of Democracy: The Courage to Create a Politics Worthy of the Human Spirit by Parker Palmer is the book Spiritual Conversations will read for its fall discussion series. Quaker educator and writer Palmer gives us practical ways to bridge the political and cultural divides in our country. To … Read More

Homecoming of the Heart

Homecoming Sunday, September 8 Homecoming is all about family, sharing, and fellowship. To create a gathering which embodies those elements, we’ll celebrate this year’s Homecoming Sunday with a potluck. We are not assigning food items by alphabet, but instead are inviting you to dig deep into your memories and your recipe boxes for dishes that represent home, family, welcome, and … Read More

August Collection for Homework Central

Help Children Learn! Here is Homework Central’s Wish List for items needed to support their great work of tutoring and encouraging schoolkids. Give what you can! Wish List School & Art Supplies: Printer Paper; #2 Pencils; Pink Erasers; Small Pencil Sharpeners; Thin Black White Board Pens; Small White Boards; Graph Paper Pads; Small Calculators; Large Black Expo Markers; Kids Scissors; … Read More

Forum for Families — TIME CHANGE!

August 11 • Noon-1:00pm • Community Room If you have children or youth who participate in CCSM, please join Penny and Sheryl for a discussion of how we can all participate in the spiritual development of our children and youth and best minister to their needs as they try to grow in this crazy age! Refreshments provided. As the All … Read More

Summer Speaker Series: Ivan Raikov: The Relationship Among Neuroscience, Psychology, and Social Justice

August 4 • 9:30 – 10:15am in the Buckham Room Ivan Raikov is a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University, where he uses some of the most powerful supercomputers in the world to create computer models of the mouse brain and understand the mechanisms of memory. Ivan’s educational background was shaped by his interest in computer science, fascination with the complexity of … Read More

Tea and Quilts… Join the Blanketeers

Saturday, August 10 • 1:00-2:30pm Buckham Room Marian Faber is inviting us all for a Tea Party as we start up Blanketeers again with our August 10 meeting. We’ll check out the cupboard and admire all the quilts we currently have on hand. Home and Hope comes up again at the end of September, so we want to be ready. … Read More

Immigration Then and Now with Professor Bill Ong Hing

Second Hour Sunday August 4 • Noon, Buckham Room Don’t miss this presentation on the history of immigration and the current immigration policies. What has changed over the last few years? How is this impacting everything we are reading about? Is there a path for legal immigration? These questions and more will be answered by USF Professor Dr. Bill Hing. … Read More

Summer Speaker Series: A “World’s-Eye” View

Sunday, July 28 • 9:30-10:15am Come hear Mike Armacost speak on A “World’s-Eye” View. Mike worked in government for 24 years, with service at the State Department, the Pentagon, and the National Security Council, and was Chief of Mission in Manila and Tokyo. From his expansive knowledge and experience, he’ll focus in this talk on major current developments in East … Read More

Summer Speaker Series: Dave Dobrinen

Sunday, July 21, 9:30-10:15am in the Buckham Room Dave Dobrinen:  The Art and Aspects of Violin, Viola, and Bow Making David Mitchel Dobrinen taught orchestra for the SF Unified School District for 33 years, conducted All City Honor Orchestras in San Francisco and San Mateo, has been a professional violist with Villa Sinfonia for 40 years, and has done string … Read More

2019 Summer Speaker Series

Join us each Sunday from 9:30 – 10:15 in the Buckham Room as church members share about their passions, expertise, work, and many other topics. Click here for full descriptions of each week’s talk. Here’s the lineup: July 14: Jon Karesh: An Inside Look at the San Mateo County Superior Court July 21: Dave Dobrinen: The Art and Aspects of … Read More


Sunday, June 30, immediately following the worship service Beresford Park (Shelter Picnic Area) 2720 Alameda de las Pulgas, San Mateo What’s Provided: Chicken, hot dogs, Boca burgers; water and lemonade; chips What to Bring: If your last name starts with                                     A – … Read More


Seriously. The children need junk this summer—especially tin cans and colorful plastic bags (any of you New York Times subscribers?).  This summer’s program will feature the three environmental R’s: reduce, reuse, recycle.  One visual we want to create is a pile of all the junk found in a whale’s stomach.  So, could you please bring your tin cans, bags and … Read More

August Sermon Series: FIFTY YEARS LATER

—1969— A lot happened in 1969 to shape our world, and consequently, to shape our faith. We will have some fun with looking back. In our August series Penny will look at the 50th anniversary of walking on the moon, Woodstock, and Stonewall. August 11: How did landing on the moon change us? August 18: How did Woodstock change us … Read More