It’s an uncertain time for everyone right now, and many organizations are more in need of resources at a time when giving is down. Every week we make a gift to one of the organizations we sponsor, and you are encouraged to continue giving generously to our “plate offering” organizations even as we are not physically gathering. Please know that … Read More

Youth At-Home Lent Activities

Theme: Climate Change Even though we aren’t gathering in person for now, there is a lot we can do on our own! Please consider one or more of these activities to continue our focus on climate change and reach out to share what you do with photos or videos. This is a great time to be creative!  DIY Recycled-plastic dove … Read More


In church school recently we talked about superheroes, looking at David… a scrawny kid who was the youngest of his family. He had the courage to stand up against Goliath, defeat him, and lift the oppression from the backs of his people. It can sometimes kind of feel this way for us, as we take on preserving the environment. It … Read More

Spring Planting Project!

Want to start a spring garden in an egg-carton? Here’s how! CLICK HERE for instructions, and watch this little video!  Egg Carton Garden

FAITH5 Family Faith Formation

Many kids may have questions and worries now: what is going on? when will things go back to normal? will I get sick? Amidst all of that and more, grounding practices are especially important. Amidst possible loneliness from canceled activities, family conversations are particularly valuable. Amidst changed routines, stability and predictability are important too. One practice I’d like to recommend … Read More

Youth Discussion Time – Sundays at 11:30am

Sunday, March 29 (and all Sundays for the foreseeable future) 11:30am-12:15pm Youth Discussion Time (Grades 6+) https://meet.google.com/ebg-dhkx-nnn Join Dave Olson, Bill Dunbar, Laura Keating, and Sheryl Johnson for our regular Sunday youth gathering (which generally takes place during the service). Feel free to eat lunch while we meet! We’ll do check-ins, have a discussion, do interactive activities, and pray together … Read More

Secret Life of Pets 2 – Church Movie Night

Friday, March 27 at 6pm  Order pizza, make popcorn, get in your comfiest clothes and watch a movie “together”! People of all ages (the movie is rated PG, so parents, please use discretion) – not just those with kids – are invited to a “Watch Party” for Secret Life of Pets 2 (this is a comedy about what pets get … Read More

Activities for Kids

How are things going for those of you with kids in your life? Are they navigating all of the changes and disruptions okay? Kids are surprisingly resilient – but also need comfort and reassurance — like all of us, in this time especially! Here are a few more resources from Illustrated Ministry that they are offering (and adults can feel … Read More

Earth Day 2020 Neighborhood Clean-Up

April 19, 11:45am-1:30pm Our 4th Annual Earth Day Neighborhood clean-up will take place on Sunday, April 19th immediately following the service 11:45 to 1pm. Join us as we Team Up to Clean Up our neighborhood around CCSM. The City of San Mateo will provide us with tools and supplies, but bring your own gloves! Before we head out, we will … Read More

The Morality of Affirmation

We are two weeks into an “Inconvenient Lent” exploring our moral and faithful response to the climate crisis. I’ve done my best to communicate that in the midst of the climate crisis we are called to resilience, engagement and faithfulness. The deeper I have delved into this subject, the more excited I become about the opportunities and possibilities for finding … Read More

A Faithful Response to COVID-19: A Message from Penny

Dear beloved community, I want to speak directly to you as your pastor. We are living in an unprecedented time and anxieties are running high. The COVID-19 outbreak has many of us on edge and uncertain about what information to trust, and how to be responsible without being alarmist. In times like these, we need our spiritual community more than … Read More

First Tuesday Book Group

April 7 and May 5 • 7:30pm-9:00pm Fireplace Room The book for April 7 is Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult. An African-American labor/delivery nurse in charge of newborns at a Connecticut hospital is ordered not to touch the baby of a white supremacist couple. When the baby dies in her care, she is charged with murder. The story is … Read More

Blanketeers Turn 20 in 2020!

Over the last 20 years Blanketeers have given warmth and love to close to 1000 people! We started with the Linus Project for kids in the hospital. Currently we’re more local—everyone who comes through Home and Hope, Veterans and residents of the Vendome AND our CCSM Adopt-A-Families! Now in 2020 we need some new “hands” helping to sew up all … Read More

March Collection

Toys, games, puzzles, and art supplies Our March monthly collection will be for CORA: Community Overcoming Relationship Abuse. CORA is local, headquartered in San Mateo. It is the only agency in San Mateo county solely dedicated to helping those affected by intimate partner abuse. Services provided include a 24-hour support hotline, emergency safe houses, legal services, individual and family counseling, … Read More