CYF Events – October 25

Sunday at 9:45am –  Godly Play with Shannon: Godly Play is a Montessori-based storytelling technique. Shannon will tell a Bible story using simple figures and then ask the kids open-ended questions about their thoughts and feelings. Afterwards there is time to create an artistic response to the story using art supplies, playdoh, clay, or whatever you have nearby at home! … Read More

CYF Events – October 15-18

Thursday at 8pm – CCSM Parents’ Gathering – Join Tara Abrams and other CCSM parents for an informal hour of connecting, sharing, and supporting one another during this strange season. All are welcome – parents with kids of any age included! Feel free to drop-in/leave early, etc as you need to! Sunday at 9:45am –  Godly Play with Shannon • Godly Play … Read More

Robert P. Jones for Second Hour, October 11

Join us Sunday after worship at noon on ZOOM with Robby Jones, author of White Too Long: The Legacy of White Supremacy in American Christianity Zoom Link HERE This presentation, based on his new book, will document how white Christians—from evangelicals in the South to mainline Protestants in the Midwest and Catholics in the Northeast—have not just been complacent or … Read More

CYF Events – October 11

Sunday at 9:45am –  Godly Play with Shannon Godly Play is a Montessori-based storytelling technique. Shannon will tell a Bible story using simple figures and then ask the kids open-ended questions about their thoughts and feelings. Afterwards there is time to create an artistic response to the story using art supplies, playdoh, clay, or whatever you have nearby at home! This program … Read More

CYF Events – October 3-4

Saturday at 6pm – Youth Poster Making! (Grades 6+) – Social justice movements often involve posters and signs! Learn how to choose a great slogan and design for an issue you care about. Please have supplies (i.e. poster board, paper, old cardboard, markers, paints, glitter, etc!) available if possible. Sunday at 9:45am –  Kids Music Time with Julie – Kids of all ages … Read More

CYF Events – September 27

Sunday at 9:45am –  Godly Play with Shannon Godly Play is a Montessori-based storytelling technique. Shannon will tell a Bible story using simple figures and then ask the kids open-ended questions about their thoughts and feelings. Afterwards there is time to create an artistic response to the story using art supplies, playdoh, clay, or whatever you have nearby at home! This program … Read More

Middle Grade Novels and Videos on Race and Civil Rights

Here are some great books and videos for older elementary and middle schoolers on the topic of race and civil rights.   From the Desk of Zoe Washington By Janae Marks • Ages 8+ This book is about Zoe, a 12 year old girl who, after starting a correspondence with her incarcerated father, Marcus, sets out to prove his innocence. … Read More

CYF Events – September 20

Sunday at 9:45am – Godly Play with Shannon: Godly Play is a Montessori-based storytelling technique. Shannon will tell a Bible story using simple figures and then ask the kids open-ended questions about their thoughts and feelings. Afterwards there is time to create an artistic response to the story using art supplies, playdoh, clay, or whatever you have nearby at home! … Read More

Homecoming Sunday 2020 – aka “Home-Staying” Sunday!

The first Sunday after Labor Day is often a special one at CCSM, particularly for families! In a non-pandemic year, we’d have lunch and games on the church lawn, kids would meet their program leaders for the year, we’d form new communities and re-connect with friends after the summer. This year is a bit different (what else is new!) but … Read More

Kids’ Books on Race and Civil Rights

Elaine Kauffman put together a great list of kids’ books on the topic of race and civil rights. You’ll want to see these! PICTURE BOOKS ON RACE AND CIVIL RIGHTS The Story Of Ruby Bridges By Robert Coles • Illustrated by George Ford • Grade K-3 This is the true story of a child told in a way that children … Read More

Confirmation Information Session: Sunday, 9/27, 11:30am

This meeting is for both parents and youth! Confirmation is a program for high school aged youth to learn more about the church, the Bible, faith, and more — and then to decide whether to join the church as a full member. (Youth can still fully participate in the program regardless).

CYF Events – August 30

Sunday at 9:45am – Kids’ Summer Program with Elaine and Sheryl! Kids of all ages are invited to participate in our dynamic, interactive summer program. The theme this year is Noah’s Ark, animals, and caring for the Earth. Stories, games, activities, and learning about nature. Please have paper and drawing materials nearby! Sunday at 11:30am – Youth “Contenders” Discussion: High school … Read More

CYF Events – August 14-16

Saturday at 7pm – Youth Play Settlers of Catan! This is a complicated but fun game – that’s why we are playing every week! Please let Laura Keating know if you’d like to play so she can arrange groups and give you the link! Sunday at 9:45am – Kids’ Summer Program with Elaine and Sheryl! Kids of all ages are invited to … Read More

CYF Events – July 31-August 2

Friday at 6:00pm – Youth Group Paint Night! Join Sheryl for a fun evening of painting using online tutorials (or just creating whatever you feel like!). Please have paper, paints, and a brush handy if possible – if you have any trouble accessing supplies, let Sheryl know! All are welcome (grades 6+)! Saturday at 7pm – Youth Play Settlers of Catan! This … Read More

CYF Events – July 24-26

Friday at 6:00pm – Youth Group with Laura!: Join Laura and youth for a fun evening of games, chatting, and catching up! More details soon! Saturday at 7pm – Youth Play Settlers of Catan! This is a complicated but fun game – that’s why we are playing every week! Please let Laura Keating know if you’d like to play so she can … Read More