A Word from Penny

I am writing to you on the heels of a ground-shifting week which culminated in a dramatic climax on Saturday as we witnessed the Senate vote to confirm Supreme Court Justice Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Whatever your political persuasion, clearly this series of events has only deepened our partisan divide. We have witnessed cruelty and mockery, slander and rage, at our highest levels of government.

In these times, our spiritual community can help serve as a grounding place and a place to regain our fortitude. We gather together not to resign ourselves in despair but to be reminded of hope, of resilience, of courage and to recommit to the tireless pursuit of justice, the strength of community, and the power of love. I am reminded of Adrienne Rich’s words:

My heart is moved by all I cannot save;
so much has been destroyed.

I have to cast my lot with those
who age after age, perversely,

with no extraordinary power,
reconstitute the world.

CCSM, we are called to do no less.

Yours on the journey,


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