Partner With CCSM
As we look towards 2025, we invite you to Imagine Together how God’s liberating love will work through us and with us in the season ahead, and we invite you to prayerfully dream how you might be part of this work. Your pledge is more than a financial commitment; it is a response of gratitude for all that God has provided, and it’s a declaration of trust in what God is building here at CCSM. We hope you’ll join us as we step into our exciting future together.
If you have any questions about the budget, please reach out to any member of the Finance Committee. Thank you for your thoughtful approach to your pledge to CCSM.
Embrace Our Future: Your 2025 Pledge
Stewardship 2025: Imagine Together - Diane Kalliam
Diane Kalliam offers a reflection on her own experience of giving, and tithing, and how our gifts support the ministry of the church and what God has called us to do.
What’s a pledge?
A pledge is an estimate of giving that helps the church anticipate income and plan expenses. It can be changed or canceled at any time by contacting our church bookkeeper, Cheryle Matteo or by calling the church office, 650-343-3694.
How can I pledge?
Email or call: You can always send an email to Cheryle Matteo, or call her at 650-343-3694. She will help you make a new pledge, renew your pledge, change your pledge amount, or frequency of payment.
Fill out a pledge card: Click here to download our 2025 Stewardship Pamphlet which includes a pledge card that you can mail or hand deliver to the church office, or place your pledge in the offering plate during one of our worship services.
Renew Your Pledge via myCCSM:
- Sign in to your account at myCCSM
- If not already on the Home page, select Home / My Overview
- Click on the “Pledge Now“ button near the bottom
- Fill in the amount, and select General Budget
- Select the frequency
- To make the pledge for one year, enter from 1/1/25 until 12/31/25
- Now click “Save“ or “Save and Setup Online Gift“. Your pledge has been recorded. Thank you!
Remember to:
- Ask your employer if they have a charitable donation matching program to make your pledge go farther.
- Consult your financial planner about donating tax free from your IRA.
- Donors who are 72 or older can make a Qualified Charitable Distribution (RMD) from their IRA.
- Consider donating directly from your bank or writing a check. The church is charged a fee of approximately 3% of the total by credit card companies when you use a credit card. (Or add a little to your amount to cover the credit card fee.)
One Time Gifts & Plate Offerings
You can make a donation to the life of CCSM in a variety of ways.
Any method that you use to contribute to this church is tremendously appreciated and tax deductible. The following are options for making one-time donations, gifts to a particular fund, and/or plate offerings. For pledging information, please see above.
Options for making a donation either online or in person:
- Leave your gift (cash or check) in a labeled envelope in the offering plate at Sunday worship.
- Donate using your bank’s bill pay system (just as you would pay any bill).
- Donate online by clicking HERE.
- Log in to myCCSM and give a one-time gift or set up a recurring donation.
- Mail or drop off your donation to the church at CCSM, 225 Tilton Ave., San Mateo, CA 94401.
- To TEXT a gift to the church, text to 73256 and type in either CCSM Plate $____ (with the amount) or CCSM General $____ (with the amount). You will receive a response text (it can take about 15 seconds) that asks you to click on an included link. The first time you submit your offering this way (for either the plate or the general fund), you’ll be asked for your payment information, but you will only need to do this one time and it takes about two minutes. You’ll quickly get a confirmation text.
Your support is always appreciated!